Microsoft AI

Visual refresh | Tagline | Social & digital campaign

Client: Microsoft
Role: Creative Director
Art Director: Christian Medrano
Agency: Ayzenberg

AI Business School, a Microsoft program that gives executives an overview of the applications and business strategy of artificial intelligence, was in need of a campaign refresh. After watching many hours of AI Business School video lectures, we had two big takeaways:

  1. AI is about augmenting human intelligence, not replacing it. AI allows people to comprehend otherwise incomprehensible multitudes of data.

  2. AI is an economic and therefore business inevitability and must be a part of any long term business strategy.

These insights gave us our campaign line “Think big picture” and a complimentary design language utilizing data visualization.

campaign images

Our clients at Microsoft have reported that this has been the most successful campaign for AI Business School to date, and the look, feel, and tagline are now being used broadly across Microsoft AI marketing.




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